We accept ALL indemnity/PPO insurance plans that are not a closed network plan. Below are a list of some of the major names, please call if you have any further questions.
Aetna PPO (In network/contracted through Connection Dental)
Ameritas (In network/contracted through Connection Dental)
Assurant (In network/contracted)
Banner Plan Administrator (In network/contracted through TDA)
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Az (In network/contracted)
Carington PPO
Cigna PPO (In network/contracted through Connection Dental)
CMDP (In network/contracted)
Connection Dental (In network/contracted)
Delta Dental PPO (In network/contracted)
G.E.H.A. (In network/contracted through Connection Dental)
Guardian (In network/contracted)
Metlife (In network/contracted)
Pacificare PPO
Principle (In network/contracted)
Secure Care PPO
TDA- Total Dental Administrators PPO (In network/contracted)
United Concordia (In network/contracted)
United Healthcare (In network/contracted through Connection Dental)
We do NOT accept DHMO/HMO/DMO, prepaid plans, or discount plans.